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246 Bridge Rd
Richmond 3121
03 9427 8848

2 min read
Protein rich foods for Vegans
Protein is crucial for building and repairing tissues, making enzymes, and supporting immune function. For vegans, who do not consume...

2 min read
The wonderful uses of pears in Chinese Medicine
by Michaela Rinkel Pears are in abundance at the moment, but did you know they have therapeutic properties according to Chinese Medicine?...

2 min read
Facet Joint Strain
At Bodyactive, we regularly see clients who have ‘strained their back’. They are usually in a lot of pain, feel very stiff across the...

2 min read
Avoid Computer Eye Strain
Returning to work after the Christmas break means more time on the computer, staring at screens and constant visual stimuli, so taking...

2 min read
Osteopathic approaches to effectively manage pain
As the saying goes, “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” September is Pain Awareness Month, a great time to acknowledge and talk...

1 min read
Acupuncture can relieve period pain
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can assist with many common gynecological conditions. Our acupuncturists frequently help women who...

1 min read
Frozen Shoulder and Acupuncture Treatment
Frozen shoulder is a complaint that we come across frequently in our clinical practice. We normally see patients when the pain associated...

2 min read
Osteopathy, physio, or chiro?
Osteos, Physios and Chiros: Are all allied health practitioners Are all university qualified All treat musculoskeletal pain or injury or...

2 min read
Working From Home & Osteopathy
It has been more than two years since Australians were told to pack up their desks and work from home, yet two-thirds (65%) of those who...

2 min read
Do You Suffer From “Office Syndrome”? Our Osteopath in Richmond can help.
Returning to the office can be exhausting, particularly if you’re not taking good care of yourself. Whether for lack of proper body...

2 min read
What happens at the desk, doesn't stay at the desk ...
The majority of us spend most of our day sitting at a desk. This can have short-&-long-term effects on our body & health. Prolonged...

1 min read
Arthritis - The Osteopathic Approach
Osteopath Dr. Anne-Marie Noble shares the Osteopathic Approach to dealing with arthritis. Arthritis is a very common and painful...

2 min read
A brief comparison between Physiotherapy, Chiropractic and Osteopathy: If you're experiencing aches and pains, having trouble with...

1 min read
Osteopathy Awareness Week 2018
Osteopathy Australia is encouraging the nation to investigate better ways to prevent and manage sports injury during Osteopathy Awareness...

2 min read
Do you have Good Posture or are you a Sloucher?
Many of the clients we see with neck and shoulder tension have one thing in common – poor posture at work. Poor posture and slouching at...

1 min read
At-home Acupressure for Fatigue
Stomach 36 (Zu San Li), is one of the most important acupuncture points in the body. Stomach 36 is a major point on the stomach channel...

3 min read
Acupuncture for pain in the ED?
A large Australian study has deemed acupuncture equivalent and to pharmacotherapy (drugs) in providing pain relief for back and ankle...

4 min read
Fascia stretch therapy is the one recovery technique every runner should be doing
While there are plenty of gadgets to help make stretching post-run more bearable, like yoga straps, foam rollers and TheraBands, it’s...

3 min read
Back pain medications do more harm than good, study finds
Millions of Australians are wasting money on drugs for back pain that do more harm than good, a study has found. Sydney researchers say...
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