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Five Health Tips To Help You Spring Back From The Winter Blues

It’s certainly felt like a long winter, but spring is definitely on its way; which means lots of sweet fruit, spring veggies and sunshine. Here are 5 tips to help you recover from those winter blues.

1. Take a walk every day

With the days getting longer and the sun finally coming out, it’s definitely more inviting to want to be outside. Taking a brisk 15-minute walk every day not only gets your steps up but also regulates your blood sugar levels, supports your mood and helps you get a great nights sleep.

2. Spring clean

As we come out of hibernation, we are often motivated to get stuck into some spring cleaning around the house. This is also a great time to spring clean our diets, which have likely been full of hearty winter foods – and high in carbs. Now is the time to clean out the fridge and the pantry, and embrace eating lighter meals; making the most of the variety of seasonal fruits and veggies.

3. Surviving Allergies

For those of us who suffer from hayfever, spring is often not something we celebrate. With the warmer weather and sunshine comes the pollens and other offending allergens that set us up for months of sneezing and itching. Be prepared this spring and stock up on vitamin C, which is a natural anti-histamine.

4. Stay hydrated

As the days warm up, it is important to ensure you are drinking enough water. Not only will it keep you hydrated, but water can also support your body to remove toxins and manage weight. With all the great fruits and vegetables available in spring, try adding some mint and cucumber to your water for a refreshing and healthy drink.

5. Regain your focus

With spring comes lots of fresh berries which are high in antioxidants, and great for supporting healthy brain function. Shake off the winter brain fuzz, and start your day with a fresh berry smoothie, or fruit salad and yogurt.

by Jaime Talevska ND

If you need help to pick up energy and bet life back on track, make an appointment woth our, Naturopath today.


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