By far the most common conditions we see in clinic such as headaches, migraines and lower back pain are all contributed to
by prolonged sitting and poor posture.
Here are some easy self-help tips.
1. Do not sit at your desk for more than 30 minutes at a time.
Stand up and take a 2 min break every half hour.
No matter how good your chair or desk set up is, when you have been sitting for longer than an hour, your posture begins to decline.
Most people begin to slouch and stiffen after about 45 min.
If you stand up and move every 20 – 30 min
then you are moving before you become stiff.
Regular movement is better than stretching every 2-3 hours.
Prolonged sitting not only causes your muscles to become tight, it also lowers your metabolic rate and decreases the circulation to your legs and vital organs.
This can lead to cardiovascular disease, higher cholesterol levels, obesity and diabetes .......... as well as a sore bottom.

Move your glass or drink bottle out of reach.
That way you have to stand to pick it up and drink.
And guess what? You have moved.
You have straightened your back and shoulders.
You have moved your legs and hips.
You have moved your lower back.
2. Rest your elbows on your chair or desk.
By resting your elbows on the armrests on your chair, or resting your forearms on your desk, you are taking the weight off your shoulders and not using your shoulder muscles to support your arms.
This allows your shoulders to relax while you work, reducing neck and shoulder stiffness, headaches and RSI.
Try it for a day and feel the difference.
3. Try a verticle mouse.
If your work requires a lot of mouse use, try using a verticle mouse.
With a verticle mouse your hand is in a pronated or handshake position.
This gives better forearm posture and may help reduce repetitive strain injury.
4. Do not cross your legs.
This is bad for your circulation – think cramps and varicose veins.
Crossing your legs puts a strain on your hips and lower back.
This is a common cause of lower back pain.
Sit like you are riding a horse or 'man-splaining'
Sit with your knees and feet apart.
This will spread your weight across your glutes and give your lower back better stability.
Creating Healthier Workplaces – Reducing Prolonged Sitting by VicHealth.