Osteopathy Australia is encouraging the nation to investigate better ways to prevent and manage sports injury during Osteopathy Awareness Week this 15-21 April.

OSTEOPATHY. Do you immediately think of bones? Perhaps you imagined someone cracking sore backs? Osteopaths treat more than you think.
Osteopaths are primary healthcare practitioners and Australian government-registered allied health professionals who can help identify important types of dysfunction in your body. They focus on how your skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves and circulation work together to improve your health and well-being.
Osteopathic treatment covers a diverse range of techniques such as stretching and soft tissue massage for general treatment of muscles, tendons and ligaments; along with exercise prescription and mobilisation of specific joints and soft tissues.
Common conditions that people seek help from their osteopath for include neck pain, sports injuries, headaches and migraines, whiplash, postural problems, sciatica, knee and heel pain, shin splints, arthritis and occupational injuries.
In Osteopathy Awareness Week, now is the perfect time to find out more about how osteopathy can help you – and you don’t need a referral.
Osteopathy is covered by most private health funds and osteopaths are also registered providers for Medicare, DVA patients, as well as workers’ compensation schemes and motor accident insurers. Medicare rebates for osteopaths are available for patients with chronic conditions and complex care needs on referral from their GP.
Want to find out what osteopathy can do for you? Make an appointment and get to know your Osteo, Dr Anne-Marie Noble.
Information referenced from Osteopathy Australia website